Witchford Walk 3
A part fenland walk with views to Coveney; approximate distance 2½ miles.
Leave Main Street at The Village Inn public house, formerly The Shoulder of Mutton, and proceed down Common Road, continue into Manor Road along past the Village College. At the bottom of Manor Road (and just before lamp post #17), take the left hand fork. Cross the by-pass with care and continue on the track alongside Catchwater Drain with fine fenland views towards Coveney. The arable land to the south of the track formed part of two of the medieval open fields of Witchford: Belhams End (see walk 2) and Marrow Way Field. This medieval form of landholding was rationalised in 1840 with the Inclosure Award when landholders were given compact blocks of land in exchange for their scattered strips. Continue along where Common Road joins in from the left with Ridgeway Farm on the right. Proceed along to the end of the metalled road and turn left at Common Farm onto Marroway Lane. Marroway Lane, up to the junction with the by-pass and beyond to Granny’s End, forms the parish boundary between Witchford (left) and Wentworth (right). Littley Hill Field was one of the open fields of Wentworth, and was named after Littley or Little Hill (see walk 6). Before reaching the by-pass and so back to Main Street (*refer to alternative ending on next page), notice the old orchard on the left, one of the few that remains in the area. Where Marroway Lane meets Main Street turn left to return to The Village Inn.
*Alternative Ending
After crossing the by-pass on Marroway Lane turn left onto a Permissive Path which commences just before the first dwelling and is marked with a small disc with a black directional arrow on it. This path has been kindly granted by Mrs D Burroughes, Mrs J Robinson and families. The permissive path follows around the edge of the field. The last part of this permissive path enters an enclosed area with a thicket on the left of hawthorn, brambles and fruit trees of an old orchard where children build their dens. To the right is a row of ash trees bordering a ditch with a small common beyond. At the end of this path enter the common and turn left onto a tarmac path leading into Field End. Continue along Field End and take a right turn into Victoria Green. On reaching the Green go diagonally across to the furthest corner where a small footway leads into Briars End. Where the road splits to the left and right go straight on along a passageway before exiting onto Common Road. The play park, known as Wood Park is opposite. Turn right to return to The Village Inn.