Witchford Walk 9
A walk into our Millennium Wood (and, if desired, an extension to Walk 7).
Pass through the oak gates in Main Street between #s 119 and 121 and after a short track you enter a quiet enclosed area of woodland and meadow where small children can safely play ‘hide and seek’ and follow woodland paths while parents can sit close by. The seat is in memory of Donald and Valerie Pratt founder members of the Witchford Society. Notice the many bird and bat boxes that have been made and placed in position by our scouts who use the wood together with Brownies and Guides for many of their activities. Many village people, especially the young, took part in the planting of the Millennium Wood. Now ten years on, (2010), these small saplings are well on their way to becoming mature trees. The wood is managed by our Woodland Group for our enjoyment, so please help to keep it nice for others and take your litter home. History: On the 1840 tithe map the site is described as a ‘pingle’, or an enclosed piece of land. The plot of land was made available to the parish council by Mrs E Tull, who wished it to remain an open space in perpetuity for the benefit of the village. It was purchased in 1998. A decision was taken within the village to create a wood on the site to celebrate the Millennium. The planting of 300 trees and 300 shrubs, all native species but predominantly oak and ash, was undertaken by over 140 volunteers on 4th December 1999. Only 60% of the site was planted, the remainder being left to be conserved as mown grass and meadow. The Woodland Group is the steering group responsible for the management of the Millennium Wood.